Últimas actualizaciones
Las últimas novedades de Traditional Karate-Do Institute.



Exactly one year ago I was operated of cancer, this was a good opportunity to celebrate visiting Japan and principally Tokio.

We are in a Sports Center Camp located no so far from the Meiji Temple, I can see the park from the window of my student's room.

We had the chance to meet Okuda Sensei, Iaido practitioner and one of the people who is in charge of the Dojo where 2 years ago Traditional Karate Do from WTKF made their first demonstration with students and teachers from European countries.

Take a look some pictures with also 2 Shintoist monks close to their temple, we also assisted one weeding during the visit:


Children Winter Camp

Children Winter Camp 2017

I was invited to teach several classes during the Winter Camp at the Dojo Stara Wies for children and youths.

Was a great experience, principally with all chids practicing with an excellent discipline and big energy.

The responsible of the Camp is Sensei Andrzej Maciejewski  and his staff of instructors from Warsaw.

In this first video students are performing Heian Sandan; we were working in technical details and principles of Traditional Karate Do. 

Good spirit, full attention and cooperation during all classes I was coaching.

I want to thanks Andrzej and Barbara for this prestige to teach in the camp and all participants of the event.

I was coaching a group of brown belts and black belt as well, during 3 days we performed: Jion, Jitte and Jiin with some applications and impact concept.


The most important think to me was the ambience, how educated were the students, they passed many hours of training and without any complain.

I have to leave tomorrow to Tokio and Okinawa but I go full of energy watching this new generation growing with a very deep Budo Concept.

The TKI is in this way and I will share this experience with all of you, welcome to our next seminar in Uruguay

Nelson Carrión
TKI Director

Children Winter Camp

Maestros Japoneses Gasshuku de Invierno 2017

Maestros Japoneses Gasshuku de Invierno 2017
Dojo Stara Wies

Kohichi Ogusu Sensei - Shotokai 7º Dan - Nagasaki - Japon

De izquierda a derecha, Koichi Sensei, Elena, Mateo Armani, Carlos De Marco Sensei, Masaru Kamino Sensei (JKA 7º Dan Fukuoka) Nelson Carrión Sensei y H. Shimoda Sensei (Monje Budista, Sapporo, Japón.

Hemos tenido un Gasshuku de un alto nivel de participantes, año a año se suman mas personas a compartir la practica, la amistad y sobre todo las relaciones entre distintos pueblos del Mundo.

Los maestros invitados, Kamino y Ogusu (79 y 74 años) nos demostraron un alto grado de humildad y amistad inexplicable. Los entrenamientos han sido dirigidos de una manera muy profesional por parte de ambos, los alumnos respetaron las consignas y aceptaron las diferencias de forma que cada uno de ellos tiene al momento de ejecutar las técnicas. Pero indudablemente la experiencia de ambos ha servido ara enriquecer a los participante y profesores que allí nos encontramos. Es importante no tener una sola versión de las cosas (no leer un solo libro), eso nos convertiría en dogmáticos.

La energía que ambos pusieron en sus clases, el espíritu que intentaron trasmitir a lo largo de estos 3 días ha sido una riqueza enorme para todos nosotros.

Este encuentro no es para ver quien muestra algo mejor, por el contrario, es el de compartir y enriquecer en todos los aspectos humanos.

Bien recuerdo palabras de Nishiyama Sensei en 1993  cuando fuí a vivir a Paris, me recomendó que entrenara con todos loa maestro que pudiese, que siempre tendría algo que aprender de ellos, y esto ha sido así por mi parte.

En San Diego Nishiyama Sensei invitaba maestros de distintos estilos para hacernos ver que no hay una sola visión del Karate Do Tradicional.

Seguiremos nuestra relaciones con Japón, ahora nos queda nuestra misión en Tokio y Naha.

Un saludo a todos los seguidores del blog y hasta pronto.

Maestros Japoneses Gasshuku de Invierno 2017



This time I would like to share some photos from our morning walk inside the forest with Kamino, Ogusu, Shimoda, Kwiecinski Senseis and Witek Kwiecinski.

One of the objectives of this walk was to fulfill our energy for the coming seminar witch starts tomorrow until Sunday morning.

Kamino Sensei was explaining to us his method of breathing and how to make some exercises for our health. Honestly I appreciate this very much and i will share this moment during our Gasshuku in Uruguay next month.

Nelson Carrión
TKI Director





I would like to share my happiness for my next trip to Japan and Okinawa. All my experience will be positive for sure and also given to my students.

It's the first time I going there, i am really excited and open to learn from them in all matters, and see also how we can cooperate to build a biggest Karate Do family around the World.

This was one of the objectives of Nishiyama Sensei. All my energy will be to set this relations and I wish our future will be more positive to help each other and develop a feeling of peace using Budo philosophy as a toot to achieve the way. 

See you in Uruguay next March 2017